School Improvement Plan
Strategic Plan Goal Area 1:
Strategic Plan Goal Area 1: Safe & Thriving |
Strategic Plan Outcome: O2. Every Student Thrives Socially and Emotionally |
Strategic Plan Measure: % of Students Attending Regularly |
School “SMART” Goal: The percentage of students regularly attending school will increase from 73.6% in 2022/2023 school year to 83.6% in 2023/2024 school year as measured by the State Reporting measures reported in the Oregon State Report Card in July of 2024. |
Available Leading Indicators for this Measure: Monthly Attendance reports from Synergy will determine if the school is meeting its SMART Goal. |
Strategic Plan Strategy: Teams in each building meet regularly to examine social-emotional, academic, attendance and discipline data for students. |
Strategic Plan Goal Area 1: Safety & Thriving
- Action: Attendance data sent by OAII biweekly to certified classroom teachers
- Action: Attendance Olympics
- Action: Greetings by name as students arrive
- Action: BH&W Team weekly meetings will focus on the academic, attendance, and discipline data to provide support to students and families
Action: Attendance data sent by OAII biweekly to certified classroom teachers
Action: Attendance Olympics
Action: Greetings by name as students arrive
Action: BH&W Team weekly meetings will focus on the academic, attendance, and discipline data to provide support to students and families
Strategic Plan Strategy: Explicitly implements practices at each school to support student social, emotional and mental
- Action: Students struggling with regulation will learn regulation skills and practice these skills in the “nest” during scheduled breaks. (Tier 2 intervention)
- Action: When students are dysregulated, they will go into the calming corner room to become regulated. (Tier 2 and 3 intervention).
- Action: All classrooms will have a Peace Place for students needing a break when in the yellow or blue zones of regulation. (Tier 1 intervention)
- Action: PE Lab Focusing on Standards 4 and 5 Standard 4: Class focusing on The physically literate individual exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others.
- Action: PE Lab Focusing on Standard 5: The physically literate individual recognizes the value of physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression, and/or social interaction.
- Action: Professional Development for Restorative Practices
Action: Students struggling with regulation will learn regulation skills and practice these skills in the “nest” during scheduled breaks. (Tier 2 intervention)
Action: When students are dysregulated, they will go into the calming corner room to become regulated. (Tier 2 and 3 intervention).
Action: All classrooms will have a Peace Place for students needing a break when in the yellow or blue zones of regulation. (Tier 1 intervention)
Action: PE Lab Focusing on Standards 4 and 5 Standard 4: Class focusing on The physically literate individual exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others.
Action: PE Lab Focusing on Standard 5: The physically literate individual recognizes the value of physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression, and/or social interaction.
Action: Professional Development for Restorative Practices
Strategic Plan Goal Area 3:
Strategic Plan Goal Area 3: Progress on Standards |
Strategic Plan Outcome: O1. All students demonstrate progress toward, and achievement, of the standards |
Strategic Plan Measure: % of students in grades 3-8 demonstrating proficiency on the state ELA test |
School “SMART” Goal: SMART – The percentage of students demonstrating proficiency on the state ELA test will increase from 73.3% to 80% as measured by the 3rd-5th grade OSAS. |
Available Leading Indicators for this Measure: Student’s progress will be monitored using the K-5 IRLA scores, the Core Phonics Screener, and the EasyCBM grades K-5. |
Strategic Plan Strategy: Implement strong multi-tiered systems of support for students' academic needs. |
Strategic Plan Goal Area 3: Progress on Standards
- Action: MTSS Data analysis to develop long and short-term learning goals with targeted interventions for striving learners.
- Action: Bi-monthly Data Teams with Classroom teachers
Action: MTSS Data analysis to develop long and short-term learning goals with targeted interventions for striving learners.
Action: Bi-monthly Data Teams with Classroom teachers
Strategic Plan Strategy: Articulated and scaffolded high leverage teaching strategies (AVID-WICOR) taught and consistently used in all content areas at all grade levels
- Action: Certified Staff will utilize DAL(Developing Academic Language) strategies. (Writing and talking through collaboration and inquiry with peers and teacher)
- Action: Writing Fluency Practices
- Action: Heggerty Routines Implemented consistently K-2 Heggerty Decodable Books grades 3
- Action: UFLI taught in grades K-2
- Action: Power Goals K- 5th grade