School Handbook
Principal and Assistant Principal’s Message
Our goal is that you will find Hiteon to be a welcoming, family-like community.
Educating our students is a team effort. The Hiteon team is the greater community of Hiteon staff, parents, and community members. Each plays an integral role in providing the best learning environment for our students. We must all work together to achieve success.
Hiteon Elementary’s curriculum promotes inquiry-based learning. Assessments and conceptual understanding of state standards are at the core of each educational decision we make. Our ultimate goal is to provide an engaging academic program that fosters a passion for learning.
Active parent involvement is encouraged and recognized as a key component to each child’s success. The link between school and community is enhanced through continuous, open communication that encourages and promotes respect and participation. Our students, staff, parents, and community work together as a team to prepare our students for tomorrow.
Janet Maza and Jenny Read-Emslie
Parent volunteers contribute greatly to our program, and we appreciate the positive support you provide. We consider the educational process a mutual effort and would like to stress the importance of communication and cooperation between home and the school. This communication may be accomplished in several ways: parent conferences with the teacher and/or principal, as well as participation in the parent-teacher club and the local school committee.
Hiteon School offers many opportunities for parents to be directly involved in the educational process. Our volunteer coordinator will send home information and sign-up sheets. A few of the activities in which parents may participate are:
Room Parents Library Helpers Classroom Volunteers
PTC Committees Individual Tutoring Art Literacy
Fundraisers Special Events Special Classroom Projects
2022-23 Hiteon PTC Executive Board
- Kim Rivers & Stradivari Sibulboro | Co-Presidents
- Carmem Pfeifer | Vice President 1 – Fundraising
- Teresa Fear | Vice President 2 – Community Events
- Ashleigh Hendrick-Horner | Secretary
- Megan Mumford | Treasurer
- Lisa Sarver | Volunteer Coordinator
Becky Tymchuk 503-720-5852
Parents and other visitors are encouraged to visit Hiteon. To ensure the safety and welfare of our students, that schoolwork is not disrupted, and that visitors are properly directed to the areas in which they are interested, all visitors must report to the office upon entering the school. Due to liability issues, children visiting your family may not attend class with Hiteon students.
We welcome volunteers in all aspects of Hiteon's life. Volunteers are needed to help in classrooms, with copying and production work, to help plan and staff events, and much more. If you are interested in volunteering, be sure to obtain a background check through the Beaverton School District. Use this link: follow the prompts for Volunteer Background Check.
At Hiteon, we are dedicated to open, ongoing, and informative home/school communication. Communication between home and school is essential to the success of our students. You are encouraged to contact your child’s teacher, the office or the principal if you have any questions or suggestions. Our goals are to keep you informed and involved and to be open to your questions and suggestions. Our communication systems include the following:
Hiteon Highlights, our monthly school newsletter, is distributed via email (paper copies are available by request)
Classroom information – via newsletter, email, ParentSquare, or SeeSaw
School web page -
District web page -
Back to School Night in September
Parent Teacher Conferences – Fall and Spring
Progress Reports are provided to parents in February and June
Staff can be reached via phone or email. Phone calls will not be forwarded to classrooms during the school day. Emergency messages can be left with the office staff. Parents may also communicate with staff via email. Each staff member has an email address that follows this format:
Under the Federal Education Rights and Privacy Act, student files must be made available to any parent or legal guardian who wishes to see his/her child’s record. If you wish to examine the contents of your child’s file, please call the main office.
Please help us keep all emergency information updated by informing the school office of new work numbers, cell phone numbers, daycare numbers, and home phone numbers.This information can be updated on ParentVue or by calling our office at (503) 356-2140.
Prior to the withdrawal of your child(ren) from school, please inform Hiteon’s school office. We request at least two days prior to notification. This will enable the staff to make the change as easy as possible for the student.
Release forms allowing the student’s records to be transferred from Hiteon to the new school will be completed when registering at the new school. They will forward the form to Hiteon and at that time the student’s records will be mailed to the new school.
Students are allowed to use school phones only to resolve emergencies or upon teacher request. Students may not use the phone to make social arrangements or to check in with family members. Students must have staff approval to use school telephones.
Students are discouraged from bringing cellphones to school as they may become a classroom distraction, or get lost or stolen. However, we understand that some families choose to provide their children with a cell phone to facilitate communication after school. Our expectation is that while on campus, cell phones will be kept in backpacks and turned off. Students who use their cell phones without permission will be asked to keep the cell phones in the office, where they will be stored in a secure location until their parents pick them up.
7:45 – Cafeteria opens for breakfast
8:00 School promptly begins
2:35 Dismissal
Attendance is very important to student success!
Classroom instruction begins promptly at 8:00 am. Students are expected to be at school and on time every day that they are healthy. Additionally, we appreciate your efforts to schedule appointments after school hours.
We also appreciate your efforts to make sure students enter the school building no earlier than 7:45 am and no later than 7:55 am. Arriving by 7:55 am allows students to calmly report to class and get settled before the school day begins at 8:00 am.
If your child will be absent or arriving late, please call the school’s attendance line at (503) 356-2141, and leave a message regarding that absence or fill out the Hiteon Attendance Notification Form. Messages may be left in the attendance voice mailbox 24 hours a day. Please call before 8:15 a.m. on the day of the absence. If it is not possible to report the absence before 8:15 a.m., please call the school office, at 503-356-2140. If a student’s parent does not call or fill out the Attendance Notification Form to report an absence or tardy, a courtesy call will be made to the student’s home to determine the reason for the student not being in school.
Hiteon Attendance Notification Form
For your child’s safety, students must NOT arrive at school prior to supervision (7:45) and must not remain after supervision hours (2:35) unless they are involved in a supervised after-school activity.
Teachers and the principal will monitor student attendance. The parents of students with excessive absences or tardies will receive written communication from the principal alerting them to the problem. We will be following ORS 339.065, which states:
Eight unexcused one-half day absences in any four-week period during which the school is in session shall be considered irregular attendance. Students who meet these criteria will be reported to ODE as truant. Excused absences are not to exceed five days in a term of three months or not to exceed ten days in any term of at least six months.
A student who is not in the school building at 8:00 a.m. is considered tardy. A student who is tardy must check in at the office before going to class. This procedure not only helps us keep track of student tardiness, but also serves to maintain the accuracy of our attendance records.
Please try to schedule doctor and dentist appointments after school hours whenever possible.
For your child’s safety, our school operates under a closed campus policy. This policy requires the school office to be notified when:
Parents are taking children out of school for appointments, vacations, or transfers.
Parents or visitors enter the building for any reason.
A child is not allowed to have contact with a specific person by court order.
If you must take your child out of school before the end of the school day, please send a note to the teacher and have the note verified in the office so that your child will be prepared to leave school at the designated time.
When coming to school to pick up your child, please report to the school office. Be prepared to show a photo ID every time you pick up your child early. You must sign your child out in the office. The office will then call your child out of class to meet you in the office. Parents may not go directly to classrooms to get their children.
If a child leaves school and returns to school on the same day, she/he must report to the office before returning to class.
At the beginning of the year, teachers ask parents to provide information about students’ regular dismissal plans. Teachers work very hard to make sure students leave school according to these plans.
Any change to a student’s regular dismissal plan requires a written note (dated and signed) from the parent/guardian. This note must be signed by both the teacher and someone from the office. The office staff keep track of these changes. Parents are encouraged to plan ahead and make changes to student dismissal plans before the child arrives at school. Students will not be allowed to arrange after school play dates during the school day. If there is a same day change, you may call the office prior to 2:30 pm. If we receive no written note or phone call, we will always honor the regular plan.
This year’s arrival procedures have been modified from last year. All students in all grades arriving by car will be dropped off at the main entrance (Yellow Entrance).
Last year, we allowed our fourth and fifth graders to be dropped off at the Green Entrance off Davies. However, due to safety concerns and streamlining arrival and dismissal procedures they are the same. We will no longer let students exit their cars at the Green Entrance.
Cars can enter the parking lot for arrival and dismissal off of Brockman and Davies. Picture below:
Please do not send students to school before 7:45 am. We have no adult supervision until 7:45, and when students arrive, they go directly to their classrooms or to get breakfast.
Also, remember we have three different building entries depending on your child’s grade level. Below is an explanation of this.
Arrival Locations:
Kindergarten & First Grade: Enter at the Purple Door
Second & Third Grade: Enter at the Yellow Door
Fourth & Fifth Grade: Enter at the Green Door
Navigating Hiteon’s Parking Lot - see picture above
Green & Yellow Zone entrances are open for parking and drop-off.
Green Zone is off of Davies
Yellow Zone is off of Brockman
(There is no through traffic in these areas)
Purple Zone entrance - No parking, no drop-off, and no pick up during Arrival or Dismissal (Buses & Daycare Drop Off Only).
We prefer you walk your child into Hiteon and/or use our parent drop-off lane.
Students arriving by car will be dropped off at the main entrance (Yellow Entrance) and then walk to their grade level entrances.
Dismissal Locations:
Walkers & Bike Riders will dismiss from the playground by their teacher
Bus Riders will walk to the buses near the Purple Entrance
Car pickup will be for all grades at the Yellow Entrance (Main Entrance)
Please do not park your car in the parking lot to walk your student to their entrances at arrival or at dismissal. There is a lot of traffic during these times and doing this creates more traffic and unsafe conditions for all.
Attached you will find a slide deck also going through this information.
Thank you all for your cooperation with the arrival and dismissal procedures.
Parents using cars to pick up children need to use the appropriate entrance and exits of the parking lot. Place your Yellow Student sign on your dashboard when picking up by car. A note from home is required when there is any change in a child’s routine.
Breakfast is served daily at 7:45 am when the school opens. Lunch is served between 10:20 am and 12:45 pm, depending on the grade level.
Breakfast and Lunch Menus for the current and succeeding month are posted on the Nutrition Services Website:
Breakfast: $1.45
Lunch: $3.05
Reduced Price Meals: Free
Please check the website to apply for meal benefits and for more information at:
Each student is assigned their own individual meal account which they can access using a Personal Identification Number, (PIN). The meal account is a debit account, so students eligible for full and reduced-price meals must deposit money into their account before they can purchase meals. Parents may deposit money into their student’s account by any of the following methods:
Sending cash or a check made out to the school cafeteria. When making a payment, please indicate your student’s first and last name along with her PIN, on the memo line of the check, or insert cash in an envelope with your student’s first and last name and PIN on the outside. It’s best to deliver the payments directly to Nutrition Services staff in the cafeteria so that the payments can be applied before the next meal. A basket for collecting lunch payments is located next to the cafeteria computer or you may drop off your lunch payment envelope in the school office.
Making payments either online or by a toll free number. Parents can register and log onto to deposit funds with a nominal fee. They can also monitor account balances and set-up low-balance emails at no charge on- line or via the toll free number. When account balances get low, e-mail and/or phone messages will be sent to parents/guardians.
Please see the information above regarding easy ways to track your student’s meal balance.
When your student graduates to the next grade level or transfers to another school within BSD, her/his account balance will transfer with her/him.
If a family is experiencing financial need, then parents may complete one application for free or reduced-price meals for all students in their family. Applications can be found online at or Meal benefits applications and instructions are available in each student's “back to school” packet, school office, cafeteria, or from the Nutrition Services Meal Benefits office. The application process and each student's meal benefit status are completely confidential. Families may apply for meal benefits at any time throughout the school year, even up to the last day of school. However, a new application is required for each school year. For more information, please call: Nutrition Services Meal Benefits Office at 503-591-4569 or ELL Welcome Center at 503-672-3715.
We want all our students to experience lunch in a safe environment. In order to ensure the safety of our students with nut allergies, nut free tables are provided.
No home-prepared food may be brought to school to share with classmates. Any food brought to school for student consumption must be commercially prepared in a licensed kitchen. This is a requirement of the Washington County Health Department.
Hiteon follows a semester grading system. Progress Reports are issued in February and June. Parents are also invited to attend parent/teacher conferences during the fall and spring. Interpreters will be provided for parents who request this service. Between grading periods and conferences, teachers continue to communicate with parents regarding student progress and/or concerns and successes as appropriate. Parents are encouraged to initiate communication with the teacher as questions or concerns arise.
At Hiteon Elementary School, we believe that homework is an important complement to the learning process, which takes place during the day at school. Students who learn to study at home on a daily basis early in life develop organizational and work habits, which can help throughout a lifetime. Children who develop effective homework habits experience more success in school.
Homework is out-of-class preparation or practice in a given subject area that is assigned by a student’s teacher. The objectives of extended learning activities are: to supplement and support classroom experiences; reinforce learning through practice, integration, and application; develop initiative, responsibility, and self-direction through independent effort; and foster parents’ awareness of child’s learning activities.
Assignments may be one or more of the following four types:
Practice -- helps students master specific skills taught in class.
Preparation -- prepares students to gain maximum benefit from future lessons.
Extension -- helps students transfer a skill or concept to another situation.
Creative -- challenges students to integrate skills and concepts taught at school by producing a response or product which allows students to express themselves creatively or explore topics of their own interest.
When children are absent because of illness or family emergency, teachers will provide work that is possible to do at home. Students or parents are responsible for requesting homework for absences due to illness.
When parents choose to take their children out of school for extended periods, they assume all responsibility for their children’s education during their absence. Teachers are not expected to provide homework to make up for missed classroom work.
The majority of students’ learning in elementary school occurs as the result of the teacher’s instruction and learning activities that occur in the classroom. When children are absent for extended periods, they miss these learning opportunities and may, as a result, not be able to complete some of the requirements missed.
Hiteon students are now using the Internet in addition to Textbooks, library books, encyclopedias, and magazines. To support the proper use of the Internet by students, the district subscribes to a filtering service, and teachers educate students about acceptable uses of the Internet.
At Hiteon, a staff member always directly supervises Internet use by students. However, if any parent or guardian does not want their child to use the Internet at school, please send a written request to the office, and teachers will respect that request.
Our Library is open to all staff and students. Our goal is to create lifelong book lovers by providing book talks, genre studies, and teaching kids to explore many different sections of the library. Students will come to the library, on a rotation with their class, to check out books. Schedules will be given out by your child’s teacher.
Bus route information for the Hiteon attendance area will be emailed to parents in late August. If you have questions or concerns about your child’s bus, please call the Transportation Office at 503-356-4200.
Students wishing to get off at a stop other than their own must bring a dated, parent-signed note to school. The note must be stamped in the office, reviewed by the classroom teacher, and then given to the appropriate bus driver by the student.
Only Beaverton School District students may ride on school buses. However, during field trips, parent chaperones may accompany the class on the bus. Parents accompanying classes on field trips must have completed a BSD background check and be approved by the Public Safety Department.
Because of District insurance policies, we cannot include preschool children on school buses for a field trip. In addition, due to space limitations on the bus and/or at field trip venues, the number of chaperones allowed on field trips may also be limited.
Students riding the school bus should arrive at the bus stop five minutes prior to the scheduled pick-up time. Students will load and unload the bus in a safe and orderly fashion.
Those not following bus rules may lose their right to be transported to and from school. Four things can happen if a child does not follow safety rules:
The bus driver tells the child the proper behavior, and the child follows directions.
Children could be assigned a seat for the trip or for the day.
Children could be assigned a seat for a period of time.
Child could be given a citation.
A student who receives a bus citation must have it signed by both the school principal and the parents. Consequences of the citation will be determined by the principal and may include the loss of bus-riding privileges if problems persist.
I understand that my school bus driver is responsible for my safety, and for the safety of others on my school bus. I understand that I am to follow the bus driver’s instructions and the State of Oregon safety rules as listed here:
- Students being transported are under the authority of the bus driver.
- Fighting, wrestling, or boisterous activity is prohibited on the bus.
- Students shall use the emergency door only in the case of an emergency.
- Students shall be on time for the bus both morning and afternoon.
- Students shall not eat on the bus.
- Students shall not bring animals, balloons, or other potentially hazardous materials onto the bus.
- Students shall remain seated while the bus is in motion. (No leaning over seats or legs in aisles.)
- Students may be assigned seats by the bus driver.
- When it is necessary to cross the road, Students shall cross in front of the bus, or as instructed by the clear signal of the bus driver. WAIT FOR THE SIGNAL.
- Students shall not extend their hands, arms, or heads through the bus windows.
- Students shall have written permission to leave the bus at other than their regular stop.
- Students shall converse in normal tones while having kind, thoughtful conversation.
- Students shall not open or close windows without the permission of the bus driver.
- Students shall keep the bus clean.
- Students shall keep hands, feet, and objects to themselves.
- Students will select a seat quickly and remain seated at all times. Students must be willing to share a seat with at least one or two other students.
- Students who refuse to promptly obey. the directions of the bus driver, or refuse to obey regulations may forfeit their privilege to ride the buses.
School parties are limited to two per year and are usually held during the last period of the day. Note: Occasions and times may vary by grade level.
Due to the Washington County Health Department policy regarding the control of hepatitis and other communicable diseases, foods used in school must be purchased and/or prepared in commercial kitchens. No home-prepared foods may be brought to school to share with students. All parents wishing to attend the parties are required to pass a background check.
Note: Background checks can take a few weeks to complete so please plan in advance.
Distribution of personal/private party invitations in any classroom will be allowed only if ALL students in the classroom receive an invitation.
In order to ensure the safety of all because of allergies, birthday celebrations with treats at school are not allowed. Balloons are also not allowed.
Letters expressing commendation, gratitude or appreciation are always welcome. If you do feel the need to send a gift, please be sure your gift does not exceed $50 in value. Oregon ethics laws state staff may not receive gifts in excess of $50 from any individual on an annual basis. Thanks for your understanding.
Hiteon’s Special Education staff assists students who have special learning needs and who meet federal, state and district qualifications for Special Education. Instruction can be provided in reading, writing, math and organizational/study skills/social skills. The Special Education Team generates all referrals for Special Education.
This program provides services to students with communication disorders. Communication supports include speech (articulation, stuttering, voice), hearing impairments, and language-learning disorders. The Special Education Team process generates all referrals for speech/language services.
Our counselor is available to consult with parents, teachers and students. Our counselor does not provide individual counseling sessions. Our school counselor supports the academic and social/emotional growth of our students via classroom lessons. Lessons are taught throughout the year. Our School Social Worker responds to individual students and provides resources for families.
Talented and gifted services are provided individually in the classroom to identified students. Eligibility for the program is determined using a case-study approach and includes the use of standardized test scores. Students can be identified as gifted in up to three areas: reading, math and intellectually gifted.
Students who speak a language other than English are assessed by the District Multilingual Department to determine eligibility for ELD services. Eligible students in grades K-5 attend daily classes taught by our ELD teachers to improve their English language proficiency. The goal of the program is to ensure that English language learners become proficient in English so they can achieve the same high academic standards required of all Beaverton School District students.
Hiteon has an on-site daycare program called Champions. For further information, including their schedule, availability, or registration please call (503) 896-8514 or visit their website at
Students may take field trips as part of their educational program. There are walking and bus field trips. In order to participate in field trips, a parent or guardian must give permission. As individual classrooms plan specific field trips, written notices with dates and details will be sent home with students. All field trip volunteers must have passed a background check, please plan accordingly. In addition, younger siblings are not permitted to attend field trips.
The Beaverton School District provides free clothing for students from families with limited incomes via the BSD Clothes For Kids Program. Located in a portable building adjacent to the west side parking lot at the BSD Administration Building and administered by the District Volunteer Services Coordinator, the center is open for operation every Wednesday during the school year from 10 am until 8 pm. The Clothes Closet is staffed solely by parent volunteers from District schools. The majority of the items available in the Clothes Closet come from the Lost & Found of District schools and from school-organized clothing drives. Pick up a request form in the school office to access the Clothes Closet. A school staff member must approve the form.
Please add your child’s name to any items he/she brings or wears to school, especially jackets, sweatshirts, and lunch boxes. Clothing and articles with a name on them will be returned to the child. Lost-and-found articles are placed on the rack located by the main entrance of the school. Please check these areas when you visit the school. Money, watches, glasses, keys, and small articles are kept in the office. Unclaimed items are sent to the district’s Clothes Closet at the end of each grading period.
Success in school depends in part upon your child’s physical health, well-being, and maintaining regular attendance.
Be sure your child:
has been taught to wash hands after using the restroom.
has periodic health, dental, and vision checks.
gets adequate sleep each school night.
Any elementary student entering school in Oregon for the first time must show proof of immunization against polio, DPT, measles, mumps, rubella, and hepatitis B (or have a religious or medical exemption). Also, kindergarten, first, second, third, fourth, and fifth-grade students are required to have a chickenpox immunization or provide the date of having had the disease. Students born in certain countries must also show proof of negative TB test results. The school will inform you if immunizations need updating.
Please do not send medication of any kind to school with your child. If your child requires medication, you need to visit the main office to fill out any required paperwork.
Every attempt will be made to ensure that your child receives his/her medication at the appropriate time.
If your child requires medication during the school day, our office staff will use the following guidelines to meet your child’s needs:
- The medication also includes nonprescription medicines such as ointments, antacids, cough drops, etc., as well as prescription medications.
- Our district policy requires that a parent bring any medication to the school office in the original container. At that time, a parent or guardian must complete a Medication Record and Authorization form.
School accident and dental insurance are available. A brochure with an application is sent home in the September packet.
It's normal for children to get sick from time to time. But when should a parent keep a child home? Please visit the Washington County Health & Human Services Department School Exclusion webpage for guidance, rules, and communicable disease facts.
Below are some guidelines to help you make the decision about when to keep your child home from school. The recommendations are based on the guidelines provided by the Communicable Disease Program of the Washington County Department of Health and Human Services. They were developed to help prevent the spread of potentially contagious disease.
Fever: With fever greater than 100.4° F; students may return when fever-free for 24 hours (WITHOUT use of fever-reducing medicine).
Vomiting/Diarrhea: Any unexplained vomiting episode. May return 48 hours after the last episode. Diarrhea equals three or more unexplained episodes of watery or loose stools in 24 hours OR sudden onset of loose stools. May return 48 hours after the last episode.
Cough: Serious, sustained coughing, shortness of breath, or difficulty breathing.
Rash: Any new rash accompanied by a fever. May return after the rash goes away or clearance given by a health care provider.
Skin Lesions/Sores: Drainage from a sore that cannot be contained within a bandage OR sores are increasing in size OR new sores are developing day-to-day.
Other: Symptoms that prevent the student from active participation in usual school activities OR student is requiring more care than school can safely provide.
Home is the best place for a child who is ill. If your child is sick with a diagnosed communicable disease, please notify the school as soon as possible. This notification will greatly assist others who, due to medical reasons and/or treatments, have weakened immune systems and may require immediate and specialized care.
If a student is well enough to come to school, he or she is expected to participate in all regular daily activities, including recess. If a student is healthy enough to come to school, but has an injury, condition or disability that will prevent full participation in daily activities, a doctor’s written directions stating the child's situation and also the degree of allowable activity inside and outside the building is required. Students who have restrictions are expected to monitor their own activity while at recess.
Each fall, the Beaverton School District sponsors vision screening in the school. Parents are notified if the screening indicates further testing is needed for your child.
The Beaverton School District sponsors the auditory acuity tests annually, usually for children in kindergarten, first, and third grades. Again, parents are notified if screening indicates further testing is needed. Note: If your child needs vision and/or hearing assessments and you are unable to provide this resource, please contact the school. We may have resources available to help.
At Hiteon, we believe that students do well if they can. We value relationship building and strive to build and maintain positive relationships with every child and their family. All members of our school community will explicitly teach and model social-emotional skills and work collaboratively to create a safe community where all students feel connected.
Inappropriate behaviors are often an opportunity to teach appropriate behavioral skills and to motivate children to behave in a mature and responsible manner.
Consequences for inappropriate behavior will focus on re-teaching the expected behavior and will increase in severity based on the number of previous offenses and/or the nature of the offense.
The Hiteon school-wide student management plan is based on helping students learn to make responsible decisions by asking themselves the following questions:
- Students are expected to act in a safe manner at all times. Students should walk to classes, lunch, recess, in the halls, and on the blacktop. Students are to wait patiently in line. Students are expected to use all equipment properly.
- Students are expected to be accountable for their actions. They are expected to be responsible for their learning and to use good judgment.
- Students are expected to show kindness towards others, act with a sense of right and wrong, and play without hurting others physically or emotionally.
Please review the Beaverton School District Student and Family Handbook for specific behavioral expectations and consequences. This handbook can be found here.
A student’s clothing should not disrupt the educational process and should not be a threat to the health and safety of self or others. Because of the potential disruption to instruction, students are not allowed to wear clothing that communicates profanity, violence, gang affiliation, drug, and alcohol use, advertise drug or alcohol products, or other forms of substance abuse.
Flip-flops, Heelies, and backless shoes do not protect feet and cannot be worn during P.E.
During P.E. class students should wear tennis shoes without black soles.
If students are wearing dresses, they should plan to wear shorts or pants under their dress for P.E. class.
Students may ride bikes to and from school (with parental permission) but not on school grounds. Once bike riders approach the school driveway or sidewalk, they must stop riding and walk their bicycles. Please review bicycle safety rules with your child. Students are required to wear helmets. Be sure that your child’s bicycle can be securely locked to the bike rack to prevent theft. We recommend that each bike be individually locked. The school is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged bikes or bike-related items.
The school cannot assume any responsibility for lost or stolen property belonging to students. For this reason, students may not bring such things as iPods, toys, dolls, jewelry, sports equipment, trading cards, or other valuables.
Please mark notebooks, other personally owned school supplies, coats, jackets, sweaters, and all clothing that your student might take off at school with your child’s name and phone number.
Money or checks should be brought to school in an envelope properly labeled with the child’s name, the teacher’s name, and the purpose for which it is intended. Students should bring only as much money as they need for lunches or a special activity.
Students are not permitted to bring guns, toy guns, knives, dangerous objects, matches, lighters, tobacco, or illegal substances to school under any circumstances. In the interest of safety and adherence with the law, this regulation will be strictly enforced. Refer to the district Student Consistent Discipline Handbook for further information.
Pets are not allowed on school property.
To ensure the safety and well-being of all Hiteon students, we must know who is in the building at all times. All visitors and volunteers must check in at the school office and obtain a temporary or volunteer ID badge to be worn whenever you are in school.
School volunteers and classroom visitors are required to complete a BSD background check and receive District approval to visit classrooms and the playground. A brief, confidential form is available online at You may complete this on your home computer or you may come to the school office and use one of our computers. The approval process may take a few days (or up to a few weeks at the beginning of the school year), so you are encouraged to complete this form as soon as possible. School volunteers, please use the computer check-in system in the office, and wear your picture ID badge whenever you are in the school.
We invite and encourage you to volunteer in your child’s room to share in his/her experiences; however, an approved background check (see above) is required and must be completed prior to classroom/library/playground visits.
Occasionally, you may have friends or relatives staying with you during times when school is in session. Students not attending Hiteon School will not be allowed to visit during school hours. Student visitors may come for lunch if accompanied by an adult.
During the school year, the staff will conduct several types of safety drills with students. Teachers stress that practice helps us do “the right thing” if any emergency occurs in our school or community. If parents arrive at school and find a drill sign on the main entrance, please respect that you may not enter the school until the drill is completed. Our drill practices include:
Fire drill
Earthquake drill
Secure drill - locking the school up from any outside danger in the nearby community
Lockdown drill - securing students and staff from any danger present in the school
Show Respect
Students will follow all game rules.
When the whistle blows to end recess, students will freeze and await further instructions. If the whistle is blown again students are to quickly place all recess equipment in the ball cart and line up.
Students will follow the directions of the teacher on duty.
Students will respect others and equipment (use the equipment for its designed purpose).
Students will cooperate with others.
Students will share all equipment and take turns on all equipment.
When playing a game, the next person in line is the judge. Students must abide by the judge’s decision.
Be Responsible
Students will contact the duty teacher when concerned about something or someone.
Bullying will not be tolerated. Students are encouraged to ask for help from an adult on the playground if bullying occurs.
When students cannot resolve a problem with others, they will ask for help from a staff person.
Stay Safe
Students resolve problems with words.
Students will run only on the field or track.
Rough play is not allowed on the playground.
Students will stay within the fenced playground area.
On wet days, students will stay away from puddles, mud, and play structure.
Students will not eat food or chew gum on the playground.
On the enrollment form, parents are asked to list before and after school care arrangements for each student. If these arrangements change, please advise us in writing or by phone. If a student goes anywhere other than the stated arrangements, parents must notify the teacher and school in writing. If there is a same-day change, please call the office. If we have no instructions, we will always honor the information on your enrollment form.
Students that walk before or after school MUST USE THE GUARDED CROSSWALKS. Bike riders follow the same procedure.
Students are protected at four intersections by crossing guards. Students must:
Wait for the crossing guard on duty to give the signal that it is safe to cross the street.
Walk, not run across the street.
Always obey the crossing guard, even if other adults or parents are giving you different directions.
Leave school promptly at dismissal time so that you have the help of a crossing guard.
When school closures and delayed openings affect the entire School District, they are announced, beginning at 5:30 am on television and radio stations. This information may also be obtained from the Beaverton School District website [], by calling the BSD information line, 503- 591-4434. Changes for Hiteon may also be sent via PARENT SQUARE. If you do not hear the news report anything about the Beaverton School District, then schools are open.
There may be times when Beaverton schools close early due to inclement weather. When the weather is threatening, and you suspect a closure, please obtain your information as listed above. Please do not call Hiteon directly. We will not call parents but will follow the emergency dismissal plan you gave us at the beginning of the school year. Please make sure you and your child know your emergency plan.
On a delayed opening schedule, the school will open two hours late, and buses will be on snow routes. This means our doors open to students at 9:45 am, and school begins at 10:00 am.
This year’s arrival procedures have been modified from last year. All students in all grades arriving by car will be dropped off at the main entrance (Yellow Entrance).
Last year, we allowed our fourth and fifth graders to be dropped off at the Green Entrance off Davies. However, due to safety concerns and streamlining arrival and dismissal procedures they are the same. We will no longer let students exit their cars at the Green Entrance.
Cars can enter the parking lot for arrival and dismissal off of Brockman and Davies. Picture below:
Please do not send students to school before 7:45 am. We have no adult supervision until 7:45, and when students arrive, they go directly to their classrooms or to get breakfast.
Also, remember we have three different building entries depending on your child’s grade level. Below is an explanation of this.
Arrival Locations:
Kindergarten & First Grade: Enter at the Purple Door
Second & Third Grade: Enter at the Yellow Door
Fourth & Fifth Grade: Enter at the Green Door
Navigating Hiteon’s Parking Lot - see picture above
Green & Yellow Zone entrances are open for parking and drop-off.
Green Zone is off of Davies
Yellow Zone is off of Brockman
(There is no through traffic in these areas)
Purple Zone entrance - No parking, no drop-off, and no pick up during Arrival or Dismissal (Buses & Daycare Drop Off Only).
We prefer you walk your child into Hiteon and/or use our parent drop-off lane.
Students arriving by car will be dropped off at the main entrance (Yellow Entrance) and then walk to their grade level entrances.
Dismissal Locations:
Walkers & Bike Riders will dismiss from the playground by their teacher
Bus Riders will walk to the buses near the Purple Entrance
Car pickup will be for all grades at the Yellow Entrance (Main Entrance)
Please do not park your car in the parking lot to walk your student to their entrances at arrival or at dismissal. There is a lot of traffic during these times and doing this creates more traffic and unsafe conditions for all.
Attached you will find a slide deck also going through this information.
Thank you all for your cooperation with the arrival and dismissal procedures.
Parents using cars to pick up children need to use the appropriate entrance and exits of the parking lot. Please place your child(ren) Name plate on your dashboard when you pull up to the pickup line. A note from home is required when there is any change in a child’s routine.